
A Public Hearing on the following amended proposed Ordinance will be held before the Cranston City Council on Monday, May 22, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 869 Park Avenue, City Hall, Cranston, R.I. pursuant to Section 3.12 of the Charter, in accordance with the RI General Laws Chapter 45-24-53 for the purpose of considering the following items listed on the agenda.  Remote participation is also available by using the logon information provided below as posted on the City’s website at and Secretary of State’s website at

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Those participating by telephone who wish to speak during the public hearing are asked to press *9 to “raise hand” to be recognized by the Council President.  Those participating via the web may utilize the “raise hand” button.

                Complete copies of proposed amended Ordinance is available for public review at the City Clerk’s Office, and the Cranston Central Library and the City’s website under calendar by clicking on the meeting date.

                                    “Individuals requesting interpreter services for the dear or hard of hearing must notify the City Clerk’s Office at 461-1000 ext. 3197 seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the hearing date.” 

Jessica M. Marino
Council President

Tracy Nelson
City Clerk

PROPOSED ORD. NO. 3-23-05 IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 17 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF CRANSTON, 2005, ENTITLED ‘ZONING’ (CHANGE OF ZONE – 1388 & 1390 Cranston Street) (Knights Corner Development Project)

  *As amended in Committee 5/11/2023

It is ordained by the City Council of the City of Cranston as follows:


A. The City of Cranston recognizes that the property at 1388-1390 Cranston Street, including the church building constructed circa 1825 (the “Knights Corner Development Property”) presents a valuable and great potential for reuse and redevelopment, including housing and commercial opportunities.

B. The City of Cranston finds that it is in the best interest of the city’s economic welfare and community interest to support the redevelopment, revitalization and growth of the Knights Corner Development Property in order that it can again make a significant contribution to the revitalization of this largely vacant industrial acreage to add to the city’s commercial tax revenue base.

C. The City of Cranston finds that the uniqueness of this approximate five-acre tract of land and existing church building, warrants its own zoning development regulations within the zoning code of the City of Cranston.

D. The City of Cranston finds that the current zoning of the Knights Corner Development Property with its principal zoning designation of M-1 industrial business is no longer appropriate but that certain accommodations for the Knights Corner Development Project should be created to allow for expansion and redevelopment including multi-family dwelling units.

Section 1.        That the Zoning Map accompanying and made a part of Chapter 17 of the Code of the City of Cranston, Rhode Island, 2005, entitled, “Zoning”, as adopted January 24, 1966, as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting therefrom the following:

(By deleting from a M-1 Zoning District, Lot Nos. 203 and 2739 on Assessor’s Plat No. 8, located at 1388-1390 Cranston Street, Cranston, Rhode Island).

And by adding thereto the following:

C-2 Zoning District with conditions as set forth below, Lot Nos. 203 and 2739 on Assessor’s Plat No. 8, located at 1388-1390 Cranston Street, Cranston, Rhode Island.

Referenced conditions incorporated herein and made part of this ordinance shall include:

1. Permissible Uses.

a. All uses (including multi-family dwelling units and related amenities) established in the City Code in the Schedule of Uses established in Section 17.20.030 for the C-2 neighborhood business zone as a matter of right or by special use permit as of the effective date of this ordinance shall also apply to the Knights Corner Development Project..

2. Density. In addition to the permitted uses in the existing church building, a maximum of one hundred sixty (160) dwelling units shall be permitted, Lot area and density requirements prescribed in Code Section 17.20.090 entitled “Specific Requirements” shall not apply.

3. Dimensional Regulations
The subject property shall comply with the intensity regulations set forth in Section 17.20.120 of this code entitled “Schedule of Intensity Regulations” for the C-2 zoning district with the exception of the maximum building height and maximum lot coverage restriction. The maximum building height shall be seventy-five (75) feet to include five (5) stories and any roof top, mechanical equipment including solar equipment.  This height limitation shall not apply to the existing steeple on the church building on the premises, if applicable. 

4. Off-Street Parking. Off-Street parking shall be provided at no less than a ratio of *1.25 *1.5 spaces per dwelling unit.  A restaurant use in the existing church building shall provide a minimum of one (1) off street parking spaces per each three seats.  Off street parking spaces may be designed to be nine (9) feet by eighteen (18) feet consistent with acceptable parking design standards.

5. Signage.  Identification or incidental signage such as directory or circulating signage, no parking, entrance, exit, loading zone, and other similar directives are permitted to include identification or the logo of the property owner.  Internal incidental or directional signage within the premises not visible to the public streets shall not be limited by the terms of this ordinance   This provision shall apply whether or not the incidental and directional signage is visible or legible from a position from outside the subject property.

In lieu of Section 17.72.10 (4) – Signs. C-2 Neighborhood Business District, the following table shall be utilized for each sign in the Cranston Print Works Project.

Sign Type

Maximum Area


Maximum Height

Minimum Setback

Minimum Vertical Clearance from Sidewalk

Minimum Vertical Clearance from Public Street


100 sf

8 ft

2 ft



Wall/Building Marker (front façade)

2 sf per for each lineal foot of the front façade

15 ft




Wall/Building Marker (side or rear of building)

2 sf per for each lineal foot of the building frontage on which the sign is located

15 ft





40 sf

9 sf


9 ft

12 ft


30 sf

8 ft

5 ft




</=50% of window area





Projecting (blade)

20 sf



9 ft

14 ft


 150 sf


5 ft for Free Standing

Roof, Integral

See definition

**** Note that the maximum area for each sign within the district shall be per side of each sign.

6. Affordable Housing. A provision of fifteen percent (15%) of the overall residential units shall be deemed affordable under guidelines of Rhode Island Housing for a period of no less than thirty (30) years.

Section 2.  This ordinance shall take effect upon its final adoption.

Petition filed by:
NE Development Fund 1 LLC (owner) and 333 Main Street LLC (applicant)
AP 8, Lot Nos. 203 and 2739

Sponsored by: Councilman Paplauskas


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