Throwing it to the dogs on Valentine's

Posted 1/16/25

The Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is excited to launch this year’s Valentine’s Day Fundraiser, “Tearing Up My Heart.” After last year’s …

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Throwing it to the dogs on Valentine's


The Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is excited to launch this year’s Valentine’s Day Fundraiser, “Tearing Up My Heart.”
After last year’s success with the “Love Stinks” campaign – which involved many litter boxes and many cats providing “retripootion” to exes across the country, this year the animal-care nonprofit is throwing it to the dogs. For as little as $5, the RISPCA will add your ex's name to a toy heart filled with treats for our shelter dogs to tear apart!
“It's a win-win,” the RISPCA says – “our dogs get enrichment and you get the satisfaction of throwing your ‘ex’ to the dogs!”
The agency explains: “Please note that your ‘ex’ doesn't have to be a person that you throw to the dogs; it can be anything that you want to see torn apart (childhood cancer, depression or animal cruelty, just to name a few).”
The “Tearing Up My Heart” campaign started Tuesday and will run until Valentine’s Day. For more information or to participate, visit or directly at and please be sure to follow us on social media – Facebook (, Instagram (@ri_spca), and TikTok ( for weekly updates and videos of our shelter dogs tearin’ up hearts.
The donation amounts vary from $5 per “name” to $25 for 1 name plus a short video or $50 for 5 names plus video. For a $100 donation you can even choose your favorite N’SNIFF “pup”star to do the tearing. Last last year’s fundraising pulled in $8,000.
All proceeds go directly to the care of the RISPCA’s shelter animals.


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