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Justanidiot, "Gestapo police"? Are you talking about Warwick, or police officers in general? I hope you're not painting every law enforcement officer with the same brush; that would be like thinking every commenter on the Beacon is a nitwit based solely on your comments.

Not every bad apple gets weeded out during the induction process, no matter what the occupation- just ask anyone that's hired applicants or supervised other people, however, I do believe more can be done with periodic stress assessments. Many law enforcement supervisors are overwhelmed with their own job responsibilities and either don't notice or aren't trained to identify when an officer needs some mandatory downtime or "mental hygiene", and some departments don't have comprehensive policies to identify these individuals.

If you saw or heard half the ignorant nonsense that comes out of the "frequent flyers" and self-entitled folks that the police have to deal with on a daily basis, you'd be amazed.

Based on your comments, you appear to be a pretty reactionary, intolerant and thin-skinned individual- just glad you don't have the responsibility behind a badge.

From: Beating the bullies and lawlessness

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