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DaveBarry109- you forget that there is more to educating students than just teachers. What about the role of parents? Also, you are using a standardized test as a measurement, please show me a standardized student? Spend a day, a week in the classroom and then tell me that teachers are overpaid. Not only are they charged with educating students, they are also in charge of disciplining children, and often they are the only caregivers in some children's lives. Teachers do not do this for the money as they are clearly underpaid for the amount of work they do. I am not sure what teacher is done for the day when the last bell rings...last night I sat next to a mother/teacher at my son's hockey game. She was grading papers while cheering her child on. Do you take your work with you as you take care of your own family? Teachers work well beyond the school day with their students. Personally, I am tired of the vilification of teachers. It takes a village to raise a child and we all need to do our part. I also think that administrators and the school committee should be held accountable for the test scores, they are the ones who dictate the curriculum and the requirements for all the testing. Personally, I am sick of people without a degree in education criticizing all that teachers do. Why don't we recognize that teachers are only part of the equation in educating a child and look at all the factors affecting education- poverty, curriculum, parental support, parental education levels, etc. Let's stop blaming teachers and find a way to work with teachers to make the education system better.

From: Let’s get on with a teachers’ contract

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