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While this editorial hits the nail squarely on the head for getting at least the appearance of ethics reform started in RI , I'm sure this ideas chances of getting accepted are akin to that of the proverbial " Snow balls chance in you know where ". Most of the pol/lawyers up on Smith hill got into office to get on the gravy train of political dynasties for power and wealth and aren't the least bit interested in getting off of it . And with the sordid history of pol/lawyers caught with their fingers in the cookie jar , it leaves one to wonder just how and why they got caught given that many of their accusing peers are running nearly the same scams themselves . Near as this old quohogger can see the narcissists running this state have things right where they want them . The speaker of the house confirms this with his view that RI Govt." Works well, we get things done . ". Hmmm , works well for getting what for who ? Using the coal mine scenario , the pol/lawyers aren't actually IN the mine that's collapsing but standing around at the entrance making deals selling the timbers needed to shore the mine up while giving us miners pep talks on how we've gotta work harder to hold the mine up . And why change this system they've worked so diligently to groom , most of them will be sitting financially very pretty at the end of their careers with maybe a judgeship thrown in before retiring to play golf in Fla.while the next crop of pol/lawyers come to the fore to play "kick the can down the road " and see how much they can get out of it . Look , with everything shady that's happened here in lil rhody from the studio 38 "deal" thru to a dumpster diving exgov. , name the pol/lawyer that had to give back ALL their ill gotten gains . People here say the pol/lawyers are incompetent , idiots , dummies . I say they are anything BUT ! The pol/lawyers know exactly what they're doing and doing it VERY well ! For I'll bet dollars to donuts most of the pol/lawyers gotta lot more in their bank accounts than most of their detractors ! As it stands right now folks , the only business this states Govt. is interested in promoting , is the business of the states Govt. . And by the pol/lawyers standards , it's doing very well indeed . I just wish more of them would spend some of their money here beyond buying fancy cars .

From: Ethics cloud needs silver lining

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