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This is actually an intriguing topic, and one that should absolutely terrify local pols. I speak, of course, of RI's level of fiscal discipline in contrast to that of neighboring states. How much comes in, and where does it go? New Hampshire, with a population that is now 50% larger than that of RI (for a reason), has a FY 2018 budget that is 60% LESS THAN that of RI. So why does NH spend $3926 for every man, woman, and child while RI spends $9400? Because RI can! With a confiscatory and wasteful system of taxes, including state sales tax, state income tax, and a gasoline tax 43% higher than NH, the money just rolls into Smith Hill coffers. And where does it go? It goes to expand an already morbidly obese state government! Somehow, magically, NH manages to maintain it's 17,000 mile system of state highways far more efficiently than RI does with their 3300 miles.

I can hear the howlers already. "Yeah, but aren't NH property taxes high?" Yes, but... The median home value in RI right now is about $270k, on which the owner will pay about $4500 in taxes. On the same home in NH, the owner will pay, on average, $6264; a difference of $1764 annually, or $147 per month. Ask the average Rhode Islander if he/she would be willing to spend an extra $147 per month (which stays locally) in exchange for paying No state income tax, No state sales tax, No state capital gains tax, 43% less in gas tax, no state estate tax, a 2.6% unemployment rate, higher SAT scores, and a better educated adult work force. I think we know the answer, which is why the corrupt Blob at the state house wants absolutely nothing to do with this!

Little wonder that this topic is avoided like the plague, and the proposed legislation "...didn't make into law".

From: Political labels indifferent to 'Gang of 5'

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