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So what you are saying is the jobs of those in the pharmaceutical companies is worth more than the husband of 3 children that has to forgo cancer treatment because he can't afford it?

The consumer is being gouged by the medical and pharmaceutical companies just so they can make a profit and pay higher salaries to their officers and directors. Nothing else proves that point more than the mark up on costs for things like the Epi Pen or cancer treatment. If you want to think that all that extra money is going to making the world a better place then more power to you.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few until you are one of the few and your needs won't be met. But, boy oh boy, when it hits you where it hurts, I can guarantee you won't be sitting in your hospital bed thinking about all the jobs people are keeping while you are waiting to die because you can't afford the treatment.

There has got to be a better way. A way that doesn't allow people to die because they can't afford the treatment. As long as billionaires are making money and paying off politicians, there won't be a fair and equitable way to deal with health care.

From: Face it: Healthcare is a growing industry

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