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DICK: LMAO at you...Do you really think your cloddish and childish attempts at spin are sophisticated enough to fool ANYBODY who reads your blather? I pose a question and you answer, as you always do, with a question..."I gave you a sufficient amount of days to come up with the name of "any elected official that has kept his or her name better than Congressman Langevin",

First off, you are in no position to issue me "time" to respond to your gibberish.

Second, Didn't they teach you in 3rd grade you don't answer a question with a question? You are quite foolish.

Lastly Dick, you want to try and play Psych Ops with me? You are light years out of your station in life. Stay in your own little world...Mayor of Moscow, RI...The shoe fits Dick, run with it. You have the cat like reflexes and thought process of an amoeba...Good luck in the mortgage business.

From: Langevin presides as Democrats regain House

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