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I find it unbelievably wrong that the city of Cranston and Mayor Fung would freeze and take COLA dollars from retirees who worked hard for the city many years in sometimes poor conditions and work environments. He states that he fully funded benefits. I honestly don’t know if that is true or not but if he did he have taken the money to use elsewhere or this would not be an issue. Not only that but Cranston has millions upon millions in a rainy day fund. These retirees counted on this COLA which was part of a contract in their retirement. Contracts be damned, I guess. Apparently it does not matter if you have a contract because a precedent has been set and it can be broken when politicians see fit. Shame on Mayor Fung and the City of Cranston. Mayor Fung, you really should remove that grin and I would ask you how do you sleep at night? If the answer is good it is because You don’t have a conscious.

From: High court sides with city in pension case

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