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All through my childhood i have had great respect for the grownups for their maturity and understanding of life. These past few months my understanding of said people has been completely destroyed. I am shocked to see the sheer amount of people who thinks it is alright to combine schools and religion. Somehow you want your religion into the world of science, but you do not want science into the world of religion... I have become increasingly aware of the old kindergarten tactics of putting your fingers in your ears and scream as lowd as you can. I have never stopped questioning life and my heart dies every time I hear about someone who lives for their faith. You cannot be truely free, truely happy or a truely good person while having faith in a deity.

Religion teaches you to be comfortable with not knowing. That is first step on the path to ignorance and arrogance.

From: Should Cranston appeal Judge Lagueux's decision on the prayer banner at Cranston West?

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