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In regard to Jessica Ahlquist and the religious banner, religion is solely a personal and private matter, the province of the individual, the family, the home, the church, the religious denomination school, the private school if so elected. It is not the prerogative of government agencies such as public schools that are funded by taxpayers of many different religions or of no religious persuasion to organize, incorporate, integrate, inculcate, or receive official approval or sanction. It is disingenuous to claim that this is an issue of atheism (unless someone is trying to put up an atheism banner in the school.) As a Mississippian I would love to visit the state of Connecticut, but if I do I hope that I will be able to avoid some of those "God fearing" folk who send hate mail and death threats.

From: Should Cranston appeal Judge Lagueux's decision on the prayer banner at Cranston West?

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