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Religion is in my opinion what cause nearly every conceivable issue in human

existence,without the influence of religion todays landscape would be a vastly different

and better place.The churches repression of free,as they realized was necessary for the

propagation of theology, effects not only impacted the middle and dark ages but rather

had a long lasting effect on scientific progress as demonstrated in this graph.

Think of where humanity could have progressed to with out the influence of the

church, It i very well possible that without this terrible influence we would be living in a

largely different place, you may see flying cars space travel a near end to illnesses but

this is not the world we are living in we are living in a world create by still present effects

of the church.

The next logical question is how was this allowed to happen.It is rather simple,

the church took advantage of our own inherent weakness and exploited them. Take this

idea as an example, a child whom under circumstance without intervention would grow

up as a believer in the Christian faith is taken at birth before indoctrination could occur

and isolated from society would rather take the path he would have normally grow up

either as an atheist or form his own belief differing from the faiths we know of

commonly . This i believe is why atheist on average score higher on theology

exams,because religion has the need to indoctrinate in order to thrive,those who

succumb to I personally am of the opinion that the child would create his own belief

system would more likely occur as mythology and religion, which really are one in the

same, develop solely because of a lack of knowledge. This can been seen in the

correlation between education and atheism and lower average iq scores amongst

religious people.

. As a nation the

U.S is not as many believe the smartest nation,this is not true while the united states

has a relatively high iq compared to all of these nations the us has one of the lowest iqs

of the industrialized nations of the world. This one can assume is why the united states

has the highest religious importance score of any industrialized nation. The failings in

schools in this country cause people to look towards

religion to fill in the shortcomings of our current

educational system. This can be seen again with a

movement to teach the “theroy” of intelligent design

One may dismiss currently accepted scientific theory

however in order to do so adequate evidence must be provided. This evidence for

intelligent design has not been presented. This is why the idea must be

dismissed ,because if we do not teach our children that these ideas are fact then we

can lead them away from the indoctrination of religion and towards progress.

Religion not only stifles human progress through the repression of ideas but also

through the death and destruction that it leaves in it’s path. an estimated 809 million

people have died in religious wars, that is more than double the amount of people killed

Genesis 7:4-10

New International Version (NIV)

4 Seven days from now I will

send rain on the earth for forty

days and forty nights, and I will

wipe from the face of the earth

every living creature I have


“That which can be asserted

without evidence, can be

dismissed without evidence.”

― Christopher Hitchens

in the name of hitler or communism combined. Why

would anyone willingly follow a group that has caused so

many needless killings. Religion has an innate need to kill,

without killing it cannot reach it’s just the same as the

previously mentioned movements of hitler and communism religion needs to kill in

order to thrive. Not only is this idea present in the churches and followers around the

world it is also present in the corresponding mythology in the bible god himself killed

2,476,633 people. If you include How many God drowned in the flood or burn to death

in Sodom and Gomorrah or how many first-born Egyptians he killed. The number comes

to the staggering estimated total of 25 million. Tis is why i not only do not believe that

religion is true but rather sincerely hope that it isn't. Not because of me but rather

because of the heinous crimes committed by god in the text of the bible.

A common argument is that religion provides morality and with out it there are no


grounds for objective morality within humanity. This is not true morality does not come

from religion but rather from biology and society. religion’s morality it self is not divinely

ordained but rather a reflection on the authors own morality which stemmed from

societal influences, thus man does not receive his morality from religion, rather religion

receives its morality from man. This then begs the question is better to do good for god

or as a selfless act, a Christian man may donate his time at a homeless shelter and

work along side an atheist.The christain man is there because it is what he belives will

bring him eternal life however the atheist man is there because he belives not in

mythology but rather in helping others. while both lead to the same end result of helping

people on one man is truly there for a morally good reason. only one man is there to

help people and not himself this man is the atheist. I then fail to see how the notion of a

deity brings worth through morality, and if it dosen’t then truly what is the purpose.

Religion as it seems has caused nearly all of human suffering,without it then

wouldn’t everyone be much happier? No religion in it’s core is a method for the

uneducated to cope with the idea of death, this however is in essence the foundation

upon which religion has been allowed to intrude society. Religion preys upon the most

basic scientific fault in man, mans fear of death, a fear driven by biology. This is not to

say that he world would not benefit from a lack of religion as i believe without it these

uneducated people would be able to receive a much better education unhindered by the

churches influence,this would lead to overarching effects on the basic well-being of


God is if in existence not good . There are over 8 million deaths of children

under 5 years of age every year,Most of these children are religious but more

importantly most of these children’s parents are religious as well. And when these

children die these parents hope and pray for salvation for their children, but most of

these parents are praying to the wrong god, most of these children are dying in deloping

countries like india. india population is mostly hindu and just because these people were

born into the wrong culture Christians believe that the god that created and put them in

this situation will for this reason condemn these children and their parents to hell. Wat

makes this especially interesting is the notion that a man on death row, who has spent

his whole life raping and killing children only has to accept jesus and repent right before

his death in order to receive an eternal place in heaven. How than can this god be

good? When someone who kills children could very well be saved for eternity whilst

children suffer eternally in hell just because they were born in the wrong place. The

place they were born has a culture which Christians believe was created by god is the

very reason these children will be required to suffer eternally. This is the double

standard that allows for go to be perceived as good when something good happens to a

Christian they say that it must be because of god, however when anything bad happens

like the deaths of millions of children “god works in

mysterious ways”. How can human understanding be

applied only to the positive yet have it fail solely in the

negative how can a god stand idly by and whatch the

deaths of children and let their killers roam free? To answer

the latter question you must ask if god is good why does he not prevent these

things,and if he is not able to then what can he do. If god is unable to save lives from

needless deaths how could god have created everything, how could god have this

power but not use it. if god can do all that is said in genesis and he is good why not

enact his power more often.

Is God willing to prevent evil,

but not able? Then he is not

omnipotent. Is he able, but not

willing? Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing?

Then whence cometh evil? Is he

neither able nor willing? Then

why call him God?~Epicurus

From: Should Cranston appeal Judge Lagueux's decision on the prayer banner at Cranston West?

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