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If the atheistic religion or "non religion" is present in the public schools due to this new federal law then all other religions should be allowed as well. The court violated the establishment clause with this decision by establishing "non religion" or atheism as the school's religion.

This is a quote on Jessica Ahlquist's twitter page - this seems to be full of hate... it is strange the police refuse to investigate this and the news will not say one thing Ms. Ahlquist has allegedly posted to incite people. This quote allegedly came from Jessica Ahlquist:

"Pep rally has everything I love. Ass-kissing Mayor Fung, crappy administration, obnoxious classmates, and bad music.

9 Nov"

Samantha Wheeler posted this on the Facebook group Keep the Cranston West School Prayer!

"This is a conversation of those wanting to take down our school parayer recorded on the picture of the prayer. If these are the people who find "offense" to such a thing, does this not prove their hypocracy? I don't think there is one christian who wouldn't find offense to their comments. How about that for offense."

Please click this link and see what atheists and allegedly Ms. Ahlquist posted, it's not the nice innocent girl the media is trying to portray. They say they want to pee on Jesus! Call talk radio and speak about this 1-800-321-9776.

From: Should Cranston appeal Judge Lagueux's decision on the prayer banner at Cranston West?

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