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This is simply outrageous. Here we have an example of politicians spending taxpayer money, claiming it's to protect children, but in reality it is being used to protect their own political careers. This is just another reason as to why the taxpayers have lost faith in our state government. Just like the Senator Dominick Ruggerio / Don Ianazzi back room deals that award friends and family with lucrative jobs at taxpayer's expense. This is the same practice for years that has led to RI being known for corruption, rankings as the worst place to do business, high taxes and the second highest unemployment rate in the country.

Frank Lombardi should immediately do the following:

1. Repudiate and disavow the advice that Attorney Scungio gave him to appeal a court decision for political reasons.

2. Return the multiple contributions that Attorney Scungio gave to the Lombardi campaign (

3. Pledge to stop the cronyism and special backroom deals by not taking any money from any vendors who have done work for the Cranston School Committee

4.Apologize to the taxpayers of Cranston for wasting their money of frivolous lawsuits for political cover.

From: DOCS LEAKED: 187 pages of confidential meeting details shared online

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